Contact our staff for all your needs

Do you want more information in addition to that already provided on our information pages?
Do you need help placing an order?
Do you have a problem with an order you received?

Using the form below you can be contacted by one of our specialists, who will assist you personally.

Before completing the form , we recommend that you log in to Bottega del Friuli with your credentials.
In this way, the portal will recognize you, making filling in easier, making available a summary of the orders and products ordered for which you would like assistance.
Fill out the form in its entirety and if you deem it necessary and useful, you can also attach documents or photographs to accompany your request.

Remember, the more information you give us in the form, the easier and faster it will be for us to respond to your requests.

How soon will I be contacted?
Our Customer Service is active on weekdays and during office hours .

If your request arrives during the period of activity, we will contact you as soon as possible, otherwise you will be contacted when the offices reopen.
If you wish, in the message you can indicate the time and day on which you wish to be contacted by inserting it in the body of the message you send us.

Messages with incomplete or incomprehensible information may not receive a response.

Do you want to talk to us?

Was the information on the site of no help to you or does your request require you to speak to an operator?

Send your request via the form above by including your telephone number in the message and one of our operators will call you as quickly as possible?


Call +39 0432 650991 during office hours and you can communicate with us directly.