Shipments and Deliveries

Know the shipping and delivery methods of Bottega del Friuli orders

Everything is fine
Tuesday and Wednesday

Deliveries throughout Italy with Express Courier


Order management times

In order to guarantee punctual deliveries and prevent the goods shipped from remaining in the couriers' warehouses for longer than the necessary time, Bottega del Friuli adopts a very simple but decidedly effective shipping policy .

Shipments take place on a weekly basis, in order to guarantee maximum freshness and consequently longer periods for the consumption of the products ordered.

All products ordered by midnight on Sunday will be shipped on Tuesday or Wednesday .

The same logistics dynamics are adopted for shipments within the regional territory. In any case, if there are conditions to be able to bring forward the shipment in compliance with the prerogatives of the service offered, our staff will take care to notify customers and proceed with delivery in advance.


Couriers Used for delivery

Bottega del Friuli has entered into a dedicated agreement with the national express courier GLS .

This courier will be used for all deliveries throughout the country, however depending on specific situations, the staff may resort to another solution, maintaining the same service conditions.

Each shipment will be traceable using the tools made available by Bottega del Friuli and/or the courier responsible for delivery.

The shipping code and the ways in which to check its progress will be communicated to the customer via email as soon as the order is delivered to the carrier.


Customer obligations

The Bottega del Friuli staff is equipped with its own verification system and quality control procedures for each individual package that is entrusted to the courier, in order to guarantee and certify the good condition of the packages shipped and the goods contained.
Once the goods have been entrusted, it is no longer possible for us to monitor their situation, and it is for this reason that the collaboration of the customer becomes fundamental, who at the time of delivery will have to verify their good condition and if he notices anomalies or tampering he must refuse the package taking care that the courier notes the reasons and immediately contact customer support and inform them, where possible also accompanying the communications with photographs.
Our staff will take care of the replacement in the shortest time possible and without any cost .

If the customer accepts the package even if it is in poor condition , the customer will not be able to exercise any type of right regarding the goods contained if they are damaged.


Rates in effect

In pursuing the philosophy of Bottega del Friuli which intends to make simple, transparent and offer a rewarding shopping experience to its users, the shipping costs are FIXED regardless of the number of packages, the weight and the volume they generate.

The single delivery service fee is €4.90

Furthermore, Bottega del Friuli offers free shipping for all orders over €69.90

The amounts are intended as net, i.e. those indicated in the cart, before confirmation of payment, i.e. the total amount resulting after the deduction of any discounts or promotions.
The shipping cost is not calculated towards reaching the threshold.

The only exceptions that may require a supplement for delivery may occur for some geographical locations and/or for particular needs resulting from the type of product ordered. Any increases are indicated in the cart with the related reasons.