Consumer Rights and Duties - Know what they are and how to exercise them

Definition of Return and Right of Withdrawal


Return is the procedure with which the customer returns a product received that is defective or does not conform to what was ordered.

Right of withdrawal

As provided for by Consumer Rights (see art. 52 of D.Lgs.206/05 of the Consumer Code and subsequent amendments), users of Bottega del Friuli have the right to make use of it, within the terms and methods established by the Legislative Decree.
That is, if the product received is not to his liking or the user has changed his mind, he has the right to return it, in the conditions in which he received it, sending it at his own expense (art. 67 co.3) , in such a way as to preserve and protect its good condition until it is returned.


As specified in the art. 59 Legislative Decree 21/2014, orders for:

– products by a non-consumer user and/or who requests an invoice
– products made to measure or clearly personalized;
– products that risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly;
– sealed products that are not suitable for return for hygienic or health protection reasons or which have been opened after delivery.

Therefore the Bottega del Friuli staff, in full compliance with the relevant regulations and laws, will accept requests for the exercise of withdrawal exclusively for products that do not meet the exclusions.

How to exercise the Right of Withdrawal

In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, as indicated by art. 49 of Legislative Decree 206/05, the user must notify the seller in writing of the desire to return the goods within 14 working days of receiving the order.
To comply, the user can use the area dedicated to Customer Support and after logging in with their credentials, fill in the contact form by selecting " Exercise Right of Withdrawal " as the topic and send it.

To define the times, reference will be made to the delivery date certified by the courier and given the nature of e-commerce, working days are considered calendar days .

Our staff will confirm the return authorization within 48 working hours following receipt of the withdrawal request, providing instructions to the user regarding the correct address to which to send the shipment, any documentation to attach and any other useful instructions to facilitate and make the return procedure and obtaining a refund faster.

The user will then have to proceed with the shipment at his own expense as required by art. 67 co.3 of Legislative Decree 206/05, with traceable and certifiable shipping, within the following 14 days.

Upon receipt of the goods and after checking the conditions, the refund will be processed according to the methods indicated in the dedicated section of this page.

How to request a return due to discrepancies

If the object received is defective or does not conform to what was reported at the time of purchase, or is missing one or more parts, the customer has the right to request the return, replacement or any other solution that can resolve the anomaly.

In order to be able to exercise this right, the user must notify as soon as possible - and in any case before using the goods - in writing documenting the defect or anomaly or any other element such as to deem this right applicable , using the area dedicated to Customer Assistance.

After logging in with your credentials, you can fill out the contact form by selecting the topic "Return due to discrepancies" and send it.

In order to speed up or resolve minor problems, our Customer Service will contact you as soon as possible.

Our staff will adopt every possible solution in order to resolve the anomaly and provide the user with solutions to his liking, as well as organize the return of the goods to their warehouse without any financial burden on the user, as well as provide a refund as soon as the good returns to the availability of Bottega del Friuli, in the manner indicated in the dedicated section of this page.

Refund methods

Refunds will take place in compliance with Legislative Decree 206/05 , i.e. without unjustified delays and in any case no later than 48 hours following receipt of the returned goods and simultaneous verification of their good condition.

For payments received via digital systems (e.g. PayPal, Credit Card), the circuit from which the payment originates will be instructed to reverse or refund the amount paid or any amount agreed upon for the purpose of resolving the problem that has occurred; There are no other reimbursement methods for this type of payment.

For payments received through other methods (e.g. bank transfers, cash on delivery), the preferred and shared method will be agreed with the user, without prejudice to its traceability and demonstrability.

If the Bottega del Friuli staff deems that the data necessary to complete the refund procedure is missing, they will contact the user in the most effective and safe way, in order to obtain the missing information and proceed with the refund.

Refunds will be made exclusively to the same individual or entity who made the payment.

There are no alternative solutions to the refund, Bottega del Friuli will not issue discount vouchers or credit instruments to compensate for the refund.