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Beer Box - Beer Box - Beer Box - Società' Agricola Cisorio ss


The perfect box for a craft beer tasting :

1 bottle of John's American Pale Ale Beer

1 bottle of Birra Blanche Weissbier Andy

1 bottle of Altbier Tony beer

Discover the product

Explore the world of craft beers with this fascinating box for beer lovers . Savor the freshness of the American Pale Ale John, the hints of banana and vanilla of the Blanche Weissbier Andy and the perfect balance of the refined Altbier Tony. Buy the box now and live a unique experience of flavors and aromas. Cheers to the sensorial journey into craft beer! Discover new flavors to enjoy and share unforgettable moments with friends .

A box dedicated to beer lovers on every occasion. For those who like to enjoy it in peace, those who share it with friends or those who love it paired with meat or fish.

American Pale Ale John beer 75cl
JOHN is the meeting between our malt and the American Citra hops, a partnership that gives this beer, in APA style, aromas of citrus and tropical fruits, giving it a pleasant fresh and thirst-quenching note. The bitterness is immediately striking and is contrasted by the hint of sweetness of the cereals that appears at the end of the tasting.
Fresh and refreshing beer , but with a sustained bitterness and a complex bouquet of aromas and flavors.

Blanche Weissbier Andy 75cl
ANDY is a white beer produced with barley malt and wheat malt. Its copious and soft foam and its slightly veiled appearance introduce its typical aromatic bouquet characterized by hints of banana and vanilla. The fresh and light taste but not devoid of body make it a drinkable beer but with character; the slightly acidic finish, typical of the style, gives it a unique freshness.

Altbier Tony beer 75cl
TONY Beer is our version of the German “Altbier”. Ruby colored beer with a good bitterness which is perfectly balanced by the sweetness of the dark malt, which gives it notes of hazelnut, caramel and biscuit . Its moderate alcohol content makes it a versatile beer , suitable both for enjoying in peace with friends and for contemplating with more commitment.

Product Features

Geographical origin Sweating
Production Artisanal

