
"Levi" seasoned raw San Daniele ham shank - Bottega del Prosciutto


The shank is the part of the ham that absorbs the least salt. It has a rich and sweet flavor. It is suitable for both knife and slicer cutting


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By slice we mean a piece of our ham weighing approximately 1.30-2.00 kg.
The shank is the part of the ham that absorbs the least salt.
It has a rich and sweet flavor. It is suitable for both knife and slicer cutting. Vacuum packaging. Expiration 6 months.

Ingredients: Italian pork leg, sea salt.

Vacuum packaged. Store in a refrigerated place at a temperature of 4°C-6°C.

Nutritional declaration average values per 100 grams of product:
energy value 222.96 Kcal,
protein 27.48g,
carbohydrates 0g,
fat 12.53g,
dietary fiber 0g,
sodium 4.82g.

Weight change
+/- 7%

Product Features