
Cooked ham in a bread crust "Il Cartoccio" - Dentesano

  • High quality cooked ham in a bread crust
  • Typical specialty of Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Manual processing
  • Light natural smoking
  • Traditionally it should be served hot, sliced by hand

Discover the product

Cartoccio is a high quality, lightly smoked cooked ham cooked in a bread crust.

It is selected from the best fresh pork legs weighing over 110kg, boned , flavoured , sewn and tied by hand.
After approximately 18 hours of massage , the thigh undergoes prolonged cooking in artisanal ovens and is then lightly smoked with essences of beech wood and juniper berries in order to allow the product to release an unforgettable smell and aroma.
Subsequently the ham, boned, is cooked in cauldrons , then completely wrapped in bread dough and then placed in the oven to cook for a minimum of 8 hours.
The aromas and flavors remain imprisoned by the bread which, when removed, are released in a joyful, delicious provocation.

The Cartoccio is a perfect solution for special occasions, it can be heated in the oven at home and served hot for aperitifs or second courses.

Quality raw materials, simple ingredients (without flavor enhancers, without polyphosphates) and long cooking times are the secrets of a high quality natural cooked product, which not surprisingly has belonged to the Dentesano tradition for over 60 years .


To be able to fully appreciate its particularity, it is therefore advisable to enjoy this delicacy by heating it in the oven (at 120° for 4/5 hours until the heart of the ham has reached 55-60°) with the protection of the bread crust . Fragrant and fragrant, this ham is sliced a little thick and served accompanied by a mustard or horseradish sauce or a side dish of fresh vegetables.


Without milk derivatives
Without added polyphosphates
Without flavor enhancers
GMO free


0202 Carton - 8.2kg (weight without bread crust)

0202 Carton 1/2 - 4.2kg (weight without bread crust)

0200 Saporino – 850g (weight without bread crust)

It is a digestible and very easy to prepare second course, ideal for a healthy diet for the whole family.

Lightly smoked product with natural beech smoke.

The average weight of the product may vary by approximately 7% more or less than the indicated weight.

Product Features

Geographical origin Percoto
Processing Pre-Cooked
Packaging Special Vacuum packed

Ingredients and Allergens

Pork leg,
salt, dextrose, fructose, flavourings, antioxidant: E301,
preservative: E250.
Bread crust (10%): malted wheat flour ,
water, salt, powdered barley malt extract .

Nutritional values

Averages per 100 g of product:
Kcal 104.00
Kj 437.00
Fat 2.73 g
of which saturated 1.10 g
Carbohydrates 0.50 g
of which sugars 0.33 g
Protein 19.30 g
Salt 1.90 g