
Maxi pack of 12 beers - Società' Agricola Cisorio ss


The Cisorio mix pack contains the assortment of their 4 beers :

  • 3 bottles of 0.33 liters of Andy beer
  • 3 bottles of 0.33 liters of Luke beer
  • 3 bottles and 0.33 liters of Tony beer
  • 3 bottles of 0.33 liters of John beer
Pack of

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Type of fermentation : Ale

Style : Blanche

Alcohol content : 5.9% Vol

Bitter : 19 IBU

Color : EBC 16

Appearance : Hazy beer with a generous cap of fine foam.

Smell : Hints of banana, vanilla, orange peel and clove.

Taste : Fresh and dry with spicy and citrus notes, slightly acidic in the finish.

Recommended pairings : fresh cheeses, first courses with meat sauces, prawns and mussels, fish dishes, fried foods.


Type of fermentation : Ale

Style : Golden Ale

Alcohol content : 4.6% Vol

Bitter : 18 IBU

Color : EBC 8

Appearance : Blonde beer with golden hues, fine and compact foam.
The slight cloudiness is due to the refermentation yeast present in the bottle.

Smell : Floral and fruity with hints of citrus and orange blossom.

Taste : Well balanced between sweet and bitter with hints of acacia honey.

Recommended pairings : Fresh cheeses, fatty cured meats (lard, bacon), sandwiches with cured meats or hamburgers.


Type of fermentation : Top fermentation

Style : Altbier

Alcohol content : 5.5% Vol

Bitter : 33 IBU

Color : EBC 32

Appearance : Ruby red beer, brilliant clarity and dense foam and fine perlage.

Smell : On the nose, it has a clean but robust aroma, the notes of caramel stand out immediately to be followed by hints of red fruit and bread.

Taste : Bitter, strong but well balanced by hints of hazelnut, caramel and biscuit.

Pairings: Savory first courses, cheeses, game, desserts.


Type of fermentation : Top fermentation

Style : Ale

Alcohol content : 5% Vol

Bitter : 35 IBU

Color : EBC 15

Appearance : Light amber colored beer with moderate white to ivory foam.

Smell : Strong hints of citrus and tropical fruits given by dry hopping with American hops.

Taste : Fresh summer beer, with good carbonation, little bitterness and very floral.

Pairings : Roast with potatoes, hamburgers and chips, low-fat meat, excellent to drink even on its own.

Product Features

Geographical origin Sweating
Production Artisanal