
Mature Montasio Dop cheese PN208 - Del Ben

  • Montasio DOP Vecchio cheese typical of Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Matured for more than 10 months, with a hard structure and tyrosine crystals.
  • Complex aromatic profiles with notes of butter, hay, toast and fruit.
  • Ideal for cutting boards and in the kitchen, perfect for Friulian frico .
  • Naturally lactose free

Discover the product

Montasio DOP Vecchio , produced by Latteria d'Aviano , is one of the dairy gems of Friuli Venezia Giulia . This cheese, which takes its name from Monte Montasio, represents a centuries-old tradition of quality and artisanal passion. Its long maturation, more than 10 months, gives Montasio Vecchio a unique and complex flavour, which distinguishes it from other Montasio varieties.

During maturation, the structure of the cheese becomes harder and the characteristic tyrosine crystals begin to appear, which give a pleasant sensation in the mouth. The aromatic profile evolves with notes of butter, dry vegetables, hay, toasted and a touch of fruit, enriched by a light spiciness that balances the natural sweetness of the cheese.

Montasio Vecchio is naturally lactose-free and fits perfectly on a tasting platter, but is also versatile in the kitchen. It is the main ingredient of the traditional Friulian frico , and pairs beautifully with dry, young red wines such as Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

Shelf-life: Up to 40 months
Storage: Between +8°/+12°C in a dry place
Shape: Cylindrical with height 8-10 cm; diameter 30-35 cm

Organoleptic characteristics
Odour: Cooked lactic
Color: Straw yellow, variable according to maturation
Taste: Delicate in the fresh one, tasty in the more mature one
External Appearance: Crust present, smooth, regular and inedible
Internal Appearance: Compact structure with possible presence of irregular holes
Consistency: Hard and elastic depending on the seasoning

Product Features

Designation of Origin DOP Friuli
Production Lactose-free
Packaging Vacuum packed

Ingredients and Allergens

Milk, salt, rennet, ferments
Allergens: Milk
Origin of milk: Italy
GMO: Does not contain or derive from GMO

Nutritional values

per 100 g of product:
Energy: 426 Kcal / 1768 KJ
Fat: 34 g
of which saturated fat: 24 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g
of which sugars: 0 g
Protein: 30 g
Salt: 1.5 g